It rained all last week and I was pretty worried that the garden was going to drown! We got about 3 inches of rain. However, the plants seem pretty happy and have grown a whole bunch, as you can see! We had a busy weekend, with a birthday party for our goddaughter Delaney, and an engagement party for our friends, Hugh and Meredith, so we didn't get a chance to do anything in the yard this week.
It is supposed to get cold this coming week, so I am going to have to cover up the plants to make sure we don't have to start over. I forgot to get a picture of the eggplant, which has grown a lot. You'll have to wait for next week!
Green Pepper:
Tomato Plant:
You can finally see plants in the garden! Give it another couple of weeks and it will be even greener! I can't wait.
I also took a few pictures around the yard to show some of the other plants that are growing:
Banana tree (the frost got the first leaf):
Morning glories (planted from seed):
First leaf on the fig tree:
The azaleas are in full bloom:
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